Friday, December 30, 2011

Fluffy Friday Lazy Cooks

Boone: Welcome back to Fluffy Friday. Thanks for joining CJ and I for a spectacular new feature we plan on doing together: Lazy Cooks.

CJ: Yup, you read that right. We might invite other bloggers in to share, too.

Boone: We’ll see, we're kind of lazy.

CJ: I love to eat...

Boone: Dude!

CJ: And I try to eat healthy, most of the time
Boone: Uh, yeah, right. Me, too.

CJ: But with this current writing gig, two kids, a house to manage, a small company to run, and a husband who eats like two men… well, let’s just say their aren’t enough hours in the day.

Boone: OMG, I have a writing gig, two kids, and a husband. No small business but I do have a fish.

CJ: Fish? Those are work. Change the water… feed them… Hey, what happened to the puppies? Hope you didn’t get too hungry and they wound up in a stew pot! Just kidding folks, we’re not that lazy or hungry.

Boone: Puppy stew. *taps chin in contemplation* Intriging.

CJ: I don’t know about you, but I hate scrambling at the last minute—I often wind up grabbing solid hunks of meat out of the freezer wondering how long it will take to defrost them in the microwave.

Boone: I hear ya. I really hate trying to base a whole meal around stale popcorn.

C.J.: LOL! Sounds like a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special ;-)

Okay, the next time you’re feeling lazy, try this one on for size, it’s my latest Lazy Cooker discovery, and I think I’ll be making it again real soon:

Pork a la Marinara

Two defrosted Tenderloins (because they were frozen together)
1 jar of good marinara sauce (not Prego or some other crap, spend two bucks more if you can afford it and buy a fancy jar)


Place pork in slow cooker, add marinara sauce to it and about ½ to one cup or so of water.
Cook on low for six hours or so, until meat is done.

** Note, to set this up when you are out of the house, try getting a timer for your slow cooker if it doesn’t have one installed. No, the meat will not go bad sitting in the cooker for a few hours, relax. Heck, you’re cooking it for a long time, everything will die, it will be safe to eat (unless you are in a tropical climate, but if you are why are you using a slow cooker? Make them eat a salad with meat on it and tell them to shut up or they can cook).

Serving Suggestions: Side veggies and pasta. We had pasta left over so I put some sauce on and heated it up in the microwave. Yes, you can save leftover pasta. Nothing gets thrown out at our house unless it’s gone bad. Toss the leftover patsa will olive oil while it’s still hot and it won’t stick together in a big messy lump in the ziplock bag in the fridge.

Bam! You’re done.

Boone: This sounds so good I'm actually getting up to go dig through my freezer and find a hunk of frozen meat. Thanks for an amazing meal, CJ!!!


Unknown said...

Sounds delish and hey, I have a couple of tenderloins in the freezer!

Great idea girls. I'll be checking out Fluffy Fridays again.

Brenda said...

Sounds yummy! I have 7 crock pots and I use them all the time...I can't cook without first crock pot was named Hazel and I had her for a long time (I miss her...she choked on a roast a while back)...Anyway, I love learning new crock pot recipes...Thanks for sharing! Brenda from Hazel's Crock Pot Kitchen

Unknown said...

My post got swallowed up… hmm… I was saying it's been a while since I made this and maybe I need to defrost some meat and try it tonight. It was a huge hit!

Boone Brux said...

Brenda, I'm sorry for your loss.LOL Poor Hazel. But wow, seven crockpots. You should share some of you're favorite recipes with us.

Owen Carpenter said...

Hello mate nicce post