Friday, December 23, 2011


I’m thrilled that my writing career is taking off, but I’ve noticed an unpleasant side-effect. My expanding behind. Writing requires me to spend a lot of time in my chair, especially when pushing deadlines. I guess I ignored my burgeoning waistline while caught up in the excitement of my book release. My wakeup call came when I attempted to cram this voluptuous body in a pair of green cords. Holy crap, my butt looked like two pigs wrestling in a gunnysack.

Obviously it was time to do something, but what? I don’t love to cook, am kind of lazy, and in my heart attack years. As I brainstormed ideas, I realized there were probably others like me, stuck behind a desk all day, needing to put a little oomph and humor in their health routine.

Inspiration struck—Fluffy Friday.

Each Friday I’ll be featuring recipes, health tips and stories from authors and readers. I have a bit of an obsession with health and beauty articles and will be trying out different exercise plans and products. I’ll also be tracking, no matter how painful, my progress with getting healthy. No more living in denial.

So here are my goals. Get my big butt moving, gain energy, and drop a couple of sizes by making healthy changes. But let me make clear, there's a quality of life issue I refuse to give up. Did I mention I'm kind of lazy? Hopefully a few of you will take this ride with me.

If you have a success story, recipes, or anything else you’d like to share, please contact me. I’d be thrilled to feature you on Fluffy Friday.

Next week author, CJ Ellisson, is going to share some kickin’ gluten free recipes with us. Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss this Fluffy Friday segment we’ve lovingly labeled Lazy Cooks. Did I mention I don’t love to cook?

So there you have it. Follow me on Twitter or Facebook or join the site to make sure you don’t miss the fun.


Roxanne Rhoads said...

I love it- Fluffy Friday.

"It's so Fluffy!" (Despicable Me)

Anyway I'm in the same boat as my writing and publicity career has consumed most of my waking moments by movement in an office chair is rather...hmmm...non-existent.

And I too am not a fan of cooking. Or exercise. Though there are plenty of activities I used to do that burned calories but now I'm too tired after working on the computer all day to do anything.

So I'll gladly follow along on Fluffy Fridays maybe I can get motivated to be less fluffy.

Hopefully 2012 will be the year when fluffy writers can learn how to successfully become hmmm...I don't know... less fluffy LOL

Unknown said...

Love it!! Looking forward to doing FF with you, my dear.

Boone Brux said...

You guys rock. Doesn't misery love company? We'll be miserably healthy together! :)

Kerry said...

I am way too fluffy. My goal is to move a little more. Move my lower half (my mouth does not count. Talking is not exercise)more. I am going to try to get up every hour and walk downstairs and drink a glass of water and walk back upstairs. That has to be good, right? Sometimes, I sit here for 6-8-10 hours straight. yes, bladder of steel. (the water should add more bladder breaks, too, right?) I know it is a small goal, but I have to start somewhere. lol

Anonymous said...

I love the photo! I understand about being fluffy. As I am FF too. I'm sure you will find the right path for you.

Boone Brux said...

Thanks, Mary. I'm determined.

Kerry, water is my first step toward health. I figure I'll start slow:) and if you talk with your hands, it's exercise.

LizbethSelvig said...

Boone, this sounds wonderful! Two pigs in a gunnysack - hahahaha! Add the apples each has in its mouth and you've got my butt too. I just went through four weeks with a personal trainer and managed to not let it help me one iota -- in fact, I've gained weight. Come January, I have to get back on her program again and meet her in February to show my improvement. We're talking panic here. So count me in on FFs -- I'd love to join you. What a great idea! Merry Christmas, btw. Savor those last cookies.

Kerry said...

yes, I felt like talking with my hands with one of my teens tonight, but I am not a violent person. lol. I'll have to work on the exercise thing. Water is a good start - and just moving more.

Tam Linsey said...

Ahh, inspiration as I sit here eating macadamia nuts right out of the can. After an evening of butter spritz cookies. Preceded by a supper of deep fried halibut and cinnamon pudding for dessert. Yeah, you'd better count me in. One more mac nut for the road, though :)

Richard Gazala said...

I wish you lovely ladies great fortune and fun in your FF endeavors. If any of you are interested, I have a great recipe for vegan peanut butter cups -- a treat far healthier for you than the mass-produced stuff. They're absolutely delicious, too. My teen kids and their friends prefer them to the ones that come in wrappers from grocery stores. Merry Christmas to all.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

This is a worthy goal, and maybe it will be less painful if we go in on it together. And Richard, I'd like to see your recipe. I love peanut butter. :-)

Boone Brux said...

Richard, I definitely want that recipe!!! This would be great to feature. Email me and I'll post it. I'll even try to make it first. That's the true test. If I can make it, anybody can.

Boone Brux said...

Liz,I'll tell you what everybody has told me. You're gaining muscle and that weights more. **snort** Sorry, I almost couldn't write that with a straight face. We'll find our hidden health goddesses together.

Tam, can't believe you didn't share with me. Don't make me come out there.

Yes, let's do this together. Kumbaya.

Richard Gazala said...

I'm happy to, Boone. I can't track down your e-mail address on this page. Your "Contact Me" link doesn't like me. I can send it to you via Facebook, if you like. Let me know. Merry Christmas.

Boone Brux said...

You can email me at

Can't wait to see it.

Stacey said...

BFF.. I'm FF!! I used to love working out. What happened? I used to love tending my Alaskan tundra till I ached.. What happened?? I used to love sleeping like a 16 year old after working my muscles for hours... What happened??? Oh, I remember, I got older. I ate my way from Saturday to Thursday, and now I'm sitting on Fluffy Friday looking for wisdom from a wise woman. You rock! Can't wait to get started. Should I get off the couch now and find the bottom of the laundry pile?